Sunday, November 25, 2007

Smart Card Sunday

WOW that 5 day weekend sure did go by fast. It was so nice to take a break from everything though. We got together with family for Thanksgiving and enjoyed a delicious feast and I spent my other time chilling and getting together with friends. Nothing to special to report though..;)
but of course I must not forget about smart card Sunday... I've heard you've all been missing them...=[[

God is
watching out for you.
If you ask him,
He'll tell you where
not to go. Your part is
to pray for protection
from evil, to thank
him for his care,
and to obey.
- Dr. Bruce Wilkinson

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I'm Back

I never really realized that it has been practically 2 months since I've blogged. I have definitly been missing it but time has just been going by so fast. I cannot believe Thanksgiving is already next week...and Christmas is nearly a month's crazy! But as you all know I have been of course keeping busy- soccer and volleyball are over but I am still involoved in the play and student council. Basketball doesn't start until January so I will be taking a break for awhile unless I join a travel volleyball team. Other than that everything is crazy at school as well. With 2 advanced classes I have tests atleast once every week and lots of projects and homework. I am going to try to make more time to blog as volleyball is over so I should have more free time because I have definitly been missing all of you.
I am home sick today and have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. I went to bed last night at 6:00 and slept all the way until 8:30 this morning and woke up with a sore throat, cough, and horrible headace which has been going on over a week, so there is definitly something wrong. But hopefully the doctor will just give me an antibotic or something later this afternoon.

Anyway, I just posted a few pics of me and my friends that I have taken lately..nothing too special..=]