Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Best friends > Pals > Sisters
Photo shoot in my room! Sophia loves to take pictures... just like her sister! ;) [dont know why they are all in weird places. they wont just stay side by side.. lol ?? ]
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Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Enjoying this warm weather..
Well I finally feel like summer is almost here...

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Saturday, April 19, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Wow it sure has been awhile hasn't it. Things are going good here. Just got back from Maui on Friday which was great. It is just such a beautiful, relaxing place. I absolutely love it there. Though it was kind of depressing to come back I am excited to be home, get back into the normal routine, and see my friends. It turns out the parents booked the trip wrong and they booked it for the 2 weeks before my spring break, so this whole week I have off and will just be chilling out and catching up on all my homework. I am having a difficult time adjusting back to the regular time and there is 6 hours difference but I'll get used to it.
Here are just a few photos from the trip that you haven't seen on my mom's blog.. ;) along with a video. haha shes gonna kill me
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Sunday, April 06, 2008
Sunday, February 24, 2008
As you all have probably read over at my mom's blog I have been really sick the past couple weeks after coming back from Tennessee, which by the way, was an amazing trip that I cannot even begin to try and describe. And I also have had an especially hard time breathing the last couple days. Luckily I have like 4 prescriptions I am now taking which are helping a lot. We are planning to schedule another visit to the doctors tomorrow to figure out what we re going to do about this. We'll definitly be sure to keep you all updated with the results.But just a little quote since it is indeed smart card Sunday...
I believe that you
must forgive whenever
or people you cannot
forgive, no matter how
hard you try. This is
when you must give
it to God, for God is
greater than you are
and can take care of
whatever you can't.
- Sylvia Browne
And since a lot of you visit some of the same blogs you have probably read on Gwen's page

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Sunday, February 24, 2008
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Smart Card Sunday [just for you Mr. Brian]
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Sunday, February 03, 2008
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Getting through it
So I thought it was about time for another post as It's been awhile.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Friday, January 4, 2008
quick update
Hey Everyone,boy have i been busy lately. I cannot believe that Christmas break is almost sure did go by fast. I sure will miss staying up till early hours and sleeping in until noon, but I sure am excited to get back and see my friends.

I also had a great Christmas with the family. I was of course woken up early by little miss Sophia because she was so excited to see what Santa had brought for the tribe but that was alright. It was also fun to see all the older siblings in the afternoon and exchange presents with all of them as well.
Some of my favorite Christmas presents...
imac computer
new pink digital camera
new cell phone [with a button on the side to open it] =] hehe
new ugg boots.. very in now - a -days to let you all know ;)
Then I also went to Ohio with Kenzie and her family to the biggest water park in the United States. It was an absolute blast and I would totally recommend the place to anyone..especially families. It is absolutely great for all ages. It was called Kalahari. I didn't bring my camera up there as we were way to busy to take pics. but it was a blast.
So other than that I have just been hanging with friends, shopping, baking, hanging with Sophia, talking on the cell till 4 in the morning. haha..i was told i have to get that bill down next

but yeah just a quick update. i didnt even mention about how our power went out twice or about dad's christmas party or new years.. but i've decided im going to try to take more pics this new year, especially now that i got a new camera. but yeah, i love and miss you all...especially my blogger buddies. i think about u every day ladies....=[[[ im thinking im ready for another reunion already!!
Posted by
Friday, January 04, 2008
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
I need to chill

This is just a quick video I wanted to show you all which Ingrid and I made of Sophia...hope you get a good laugh for the day ;)
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Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Smart Card Sunday
WOW that 5 day weekend sure did go by fast. It was so nice to take a break from everything though. We got together with family for Thanksgiving and enjoyed a delicious feast and I spent my other time chilling and getting together with friends. Nothing to special to report though..;)
but of course I must not forget about smart card Sunday... I've heard you've all been missing them...=[[
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Sunday, November 25, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I'm Back
I never really realized that it has been practically 2 months since I've blogged. I have definitly been missing it but time has just been going by so fast. I cannot believe Thanksgiving is already next week...and Christmas is nearly a month's crazy! But as you all know I have been of course keeping busy- soccer and volleyball are over but I am still involoved in the play and student council. Basketball doesn't start until January so I will be taking a break for awhile unless I join a travel volleyball team. Other than that everything is crazy at school as well. With 2 advanced classes I have tests atleast once every week and lots of projects and homework. I am going to try to make more time to blog as volleyball is over so I should have more free time because I have definitly been missing all of you.
I am home sick today and have a doctor's appointment this afternoon. I went to bed last night at 6:00 and slept all the way until 8:30 this morning and woke up with a sore throat, cough, and horrible headace which has been going on over a week, so there is definitly something wrong. But hopefully the doctor will just give me an antibotic or something later this afternoon.

Posted by
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
As you guys may have noticed I am having a real hard time keeping up with the blog. With volleyball right after school, soccer after that, and 3 advanced classes I just don't have the time. Not to mention the football games, student council, church and bible sudy, and parties...I'm just so busy.
But the year has been going good. I made the A volleyball team and am hangin out with a lot of new friends. My classes are amazing and my locker is right by one of my best friends.
Hope you are all doing well. Middle school is so very crazy but I am doing great and putting up with all the drama! ;) Hope you all are doing well. hugs to everyone! <3
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Friday, September 14, 2007