Sunday, April 29, 2007

Smart Card Sunday

Say little.
But when you
speak, utter gentle
words that touch
th heart. Be truthful.
Express kindness.
Abstain from vanity.
This is the way.
- Daniel Levin
**We just figured out last week that one of my favorite teachers has been, once again, diagnosed with caner as she has been out sick for many days. She was diaganosed with breast cancer about 5 years ago and survived and was then clear for a couple years and just found out it was back but in her liver this time. Luckily they caught it pretty early as she starts chemo on Monday. If you could keep her in your prayers as I am that would be great...thanks


Steffie B. said...

You are such a sweet, sweet girl! I love you!

Mr.Brian said...

What a kind heart you have. You are a very special young lady whom I am sure your parents are very proud of.
God bless you Emmie.

Mommy Spice said...

I'm sorry to hear that. I will keep her in my prayers.

Mama Darling said...

Thanks for your sweet comments on my blog. I am sorry to hear about your teacher and I will pray for her, too. She is so fortunate to have students like you who believe in the power of prayer.

Deb said...

We'll be thinking of her in our prayers.
Once again love the Smart Card saying.
PS. The play sounds fun.

aimeeg said...

I'm sorry to hear about your teacher. I will definitely keep her in my thoughts.

Holly said...

I am very sorry to hear that about your teacher. I will keep her in my prayers.

redmaryjanes said...

I will pray for your teacher Emmie. My Aunt had breast cancer, so I know how difficult it can be to face. The more of us who band together to pray for her, the better. It is wonderful of you to reach out to us to lift her up.

Anonymous said...

I will keep her in my prayers, Emmie.

Nikki said...

I am so sorry to hear that your teacher's cancer is back...I will pray that she successfully fights it again!

kitchu said...

Emmie- you are an inspiration. I'm sorry about your teacher, cancer is a tough disease, but half the battle is prayer, I'm convinced. I'll be praying!

Tracy said...

Your teacher will be in my prayers ...

Anonymous said...

Emmie, you are such a thoughtful girl. Your mom and dad must be so proud to be raising such a wonderful girl.

3 Peanuts said...

I will pray for your teacher! We never know the impact someone will make in our lives.
